A perfect day in central Washington
It took a few weeks, but I think I am finally getting warm after racing in Bend. While I love Cyclocross with great passion, I recall the words of El Presidente when we were riding in the seventy degree sunshine around Lake Chelan last June. As we swooped along a curvy downhill among vineyards and grass fields he recalled the frigid morning rides of the previous January and said, “I think I prefer riding in warm weather.”
Currently riding entails shoe covers, beanies, lights, fenders with mud flaps while wearing comical monster gloves and untold layers of clothing. Our sunglasses have either clear or yellow lenses and are worn primarily to keep our faces warm.
As I catch up on my reading and catalog perusing, I see the photos of riders with bronze arms, fingerless gloves and short socks and I realize I won’t complain when the sunrise comes before my alarm and the post ride laundry can be grabbed with one hand.
My scrapes are turning into nice scars and my fingers are healing from who knows what over the last several months. My shop has been cleaned up and the cross bike has begun hibernation.
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