A larger (and more moderate) group on a nicer day....
My training has been going better than expected. I am finding that core work was my missing link. I have an amazing habit of thinking any success is just a stepping stone to greater things and then overreaching. Following my Ergomania podium I had a sinus infection last week so I didn't ride much. As Saturday came around I felt pretty good and Hottie and I went for a ride. On Sunday I showed up for the team ride ready for action. Here comes the overreaching...
We rolled out a minute or two late with Hank "The Corner" Tim "Always Fast and my knee is healing so today I am going for it" Brad "The Beast" John "the machine" and little old me. I looked around and realized these were all fast guys. My only consolation was Tom "The Terminator" wasn't among us. After arriving on Mercer I was resolved to hang tough or die trying. About a quarter of the way we picked up Fred "Burn Your Legs Right Off" and after a moment or two of pleasantries the pace ratcheted up. I had made a real effort to relax while everyone greeted Fred, and I think it helped me. We were tickling 25 mph on the rolling winding road.
I found myself leading the paceline as we hit the one major climb and soon we were a tight pack. As we regrouped after the climb I took a spot at the back and hung on. I hung until about two miles from the official "unofficial finish line." I was behind John. John started twitching like Mark Renshaw looking for someone to head butt. Suddenly he attacked and Fred was on his wheel. Tim went around me and started to bridge up. It had taken all I had to hang on, so I let them go and dropped in behind Hank. After a minute or two I took a turn at the front and Hank and I worked to catch the leading trio.
With just over a hundred meters to go I tried to come around Hank and poured it on, but he held me off. We turned around and began to retrace our steps. Tom "The Terminator" was now with our little group. it turns out he had a flat and missed our start.
Having been deprived of the competitive counter-clockwise loop, Tom pushed the pace on the way back until the group splintered. I was first off the back and I was cooked. I wasn't dropping from 21 mph to 18, this was dropping from 23 to 14 mph, and the 14 hurt.

I had my buns handed to me on a platter....
On the final climb before leaving Mercer I spotted Hank coming back toward me and rode the hill with me. I didn't say a word, which actually was saying a lot. At the crest I finally said I was cooked. Hank confessed he too had been unceremoniously dropped and was spent as well. Once back across the bridge we regrouped for the final time. Without saying anything Hank or I led the rest of the ride keeping the pace moderate. Tom noted our slow pace on the return and asked if we were "phoning it in." "Yes we are," was my response in an authoritative tone.
My first road event, the Frostbite TT is only two weeks away. I guess I will keep the platter handy...
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