It is just over nineteen miles each way and my times have varied from 1:16 to 58:44. The route features several small hills, but no categorized climbs. I have considered doing it on a single speed, but my knee is telling me to just keep riding the geared bike.
I roll out from our place and cut through the parking lot of an elementary school. Then I get the view you see here.
After making my way through a sleepy neighborhood or two, I catch a bike lane and head toward the interurban trail.
While this may look like a flood basin, it is in fact the interurban bike trail passing under a pretty busy street.
The route follows the remnants of an old streetcar line that went from Everett to Seattle. A lot of the route parallels I-5. This is a view in Lynnwood Washington of I-5 and the many souls heading to work in Seattle.
After a moderately circuitous route, I am riding next to I-5, which is to my left hidden by a grassy hill. Along this area I typically see a rabbit or two each day. The rumor is the rabbits were liberated from a testing facility, and then let out here. It seems the stuff of urban myths to me..
A few years ago they put in this pedestrian bridge over I-5 and I personally appreciate it.
This is an area I call the green river. Because it is green and like the infamous green river killer, it is a perfect place to kill people and pile the bodies. It is generally deserted and could be kind of creepy to those more vulnerable than myself.
After this I come out by a mall and then a short jaunt on surface streets brings me to my destination. You all know what surface streets look like, so you’re on your own there.
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